Friday, June 25, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Be patient with events at home that are challenging. Don't challenge others. Criticism with partners and close friends will also be a bummer. Therefore, forewarned is forearmed! Avoid this stuff. Focus on what is positive. Sit down and have another coffee.

Real Life Report
As I was struggling with some heavy groceries on the walk home, one of those guys in a riding sidewalk sweeper came right at me without pulling over or stopping, so I certainly did challenge him.

*A special note for my small but mighty group of 'followers' - apologies for the last couple days of silence (technical challenges) - and my upcoming days of silence (holiday!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You want to have fun during the next six weeks, which is why this is the perfect window of time for a vacation. Enjoy playful activities with children. Accept all invitations to socialize. Romance, love affairs, and fun flirtations are so promising. "Come hither!"

Real Life Report
I think that I'll let my fella bounce back from his work-a-thon before springing my 'come hither' looks on him... But I like the flirty forecast! All the better while sitting on the beach.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Your home routine will be interrupted today. Arguments with parents are possible. (You can avoid this.) Power outages, equipment break downs, broken dishes, small appliances on the fritz, plus testy relations with family members are frustrating! Send out for dark chocolate.

Real Life Report
My home routine was slightly interrupted when I awoke to find my husband in the same spot where I left him last night... working. Nothing that a little coffee couldn't fix. In other news, I'm thinking that I can maybe get away with a little more chocolate since the scales at the doc's office didn't protest - and baby is growing at a weed-like pace.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Do everything in your power to slip away on a vacation in the next six weeks because it's your turn to party! You want to have fun. This is also a wonderful window of time for romance, love affairs, sports, and playful activities with children. Enjoy!

Real Life Report
Oh yes! "Hol-i-day" indeed! I'm already menu/BBQ planning for our time away at our first cottage rental. (Very grown up.) As for the playful activities with children, it would seem that our offspring is feeling the FIFA vibes in utero.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders today especially regarding home, family and your domestic scene. "I can't take it anymore." Actually, something lovely happens to shift your whole mood later in the day, and this evening. You have this much to look forward to!

Real Life Report
Despite being woken up unnecessarily at around 5:45 am this morning, my mood is actually pretty upbeat. I think that there will no doubt be a correlation between 'something lovely' happening and getting groceries. Maybe free samples?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Partnerships continue to be a challenge! It's just what it is. Actually, in the next few years, the resources of others might diminish or end. Something is going to happen to throw you back on your own resources, which will only increase your confidence in yourself. After all, you've got what it takes.

Real Life Report
Yikes! That sounds ominous. Particularly considering that my partner is a non-stop work machine with too many resources. But hey, I like Georgia's optimistic outlook despite the doom and gloom. Damn straight!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Be patient and gentle today, especially with partners and close friends. It is so easy to suddenly blow your cool and become emotionally involved in an argument. (You know how wide ranging your feelings can be.) Just table any important discussions for another day. "More coffee? Go ahead and have that last chocolate chip cookie."

Real Life Report
My feelings have fluctuated between numb exhaustion to pretend-perky back to dim dullard in the last 5 hours. Blame it on hormones or just that I'm feeling the pre-summer holiday blahs. Did somebody say 'cookies'?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
No matter what is going on your life, you are super focused on home, family and domestic issues. One thing is certain, with fiery Mars directly opposite your sign for the first time in several years, partnerships are contentious! Wait until this passes before you make any important decisions. (Mid to late August.)

Real Life Report
I'm particularly focused on being on the couch at home... Also really excited that our new landlord has fixed our doorknobs! Fer serious. This changes everything. We can get rid of our door stop and keep the damn cat corralled.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're willing to work very hard today, especially for creative situations or anything to do with the arts, show business, or even sports. Those of you who work with children can also achieve marvelous, heartwarming, rewarding results today. (Meanwhile, romance is hot and sweet!)

Real Life Report
I'm not sure how hard I've worked today since my energy levels are waning... But I received very nice mid-afternoon call from my fella with a lovely compliment so that felt pretty hot and sweet.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Ooo la la! Love affairs, romance, and saucy flirtations can make your day! Accept all invitations. Spontaneous social occasions and get-togethers will be fun. Sporting events, and anything to do with show business could give you some surprise thrills. (Parents should keep an eye on their kids today.)

Real Life Report
I felt a little 'ooh la la' after getting a massage today. Plus, it was great to get together with a new friend over lunch and an old work pal over coffee. Unfortunately there were no saucy flirtations... though maybe my hunnie will deliver.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Parents must be patient with children today. You might be tempted to be as childish and demanding as a toddler! Remind yourself that this is a brief, passing influence and will be gone by the end of the day. Don't give in to this because is just petty and disruptive. (Ditto for sports and romance.)

Real Life Report
I did my best to exercise patience as I was walloped with 'stretching ligament feelings' in support of my growing kid... And now at the end of the day, it has seemed to pass. Except that I know that it's only the beginning.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You will find gratification today in a number of ways. Relationship with children, even though they may involve heavy responsibilities, are nevertheless rewarding. Romantic relationships of an age difference are similarly enriching. Good day to make long-range plans for vacations.

Real Life Report
I am in fact making our grocery list for our beach get-away and searching around for a couple of good books to read... Now to see if the gratification comes my way!

Yesterday's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Now is the time to write down three things you can do to improve your relations with family and your satisfaction (or not) of your home and where you live. Obviously, life is easier if you like where you live and you get along with family. Right? Therefore, why not make your life?

Real Life Report
1. Move to another country. 2. Get an unlisted number. 3. Suddenly come into lots of money and hand it over. I do indeed like where I live, even more now that we have new landlords who pop over to fix squeeky doors that wouldn't close.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're unusually enthusiastic today. Because of this, you're keen to sign contracts and do business. This is just fine; however, keep an eye on the Moon Alert. (Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 3:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) Discussions with siblings and relatives are positive and upbeat. Great day for teachers, editors, writers, salespeople and actors. You're the Pied Piper, and everyone is listening.

Real Life Report
I think that my enthusiasm kicked in after I had a tea this morning... But that might be an overstatement. I tried my best to play the role of producer today during a video podcast shoot, but I think that I was most enthused about getting home early to have a nap.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is an accident-prone day for your sign. Unexpected events might catch you off guard. In addition to which, you are easily sleepy, confused, or distracted by daydreams and fantasies. It's a mixed bag, but none of this lends to focus and serious concentration. It just ain't there. (Repeat after me: "This is planet Earth. Today is Wednesday, June 9th.")

Real Life Report
My eyelids are getting heavy, heavy... Which is to say that it's not unlike any other day. Actually today I felt quite jazzed after attending a conference where I heard two great speakers give advice on how to be an innovative communications whiz of the future. (Blogging was mentioned!)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're not interested in pie-in-the-sky, abstract ideas today. You want practical results. You want to know if things are useful or not. You're in a more conservative frame of mind than usual. You want to pay your bills and be debt-free! (Then you can buy more shoes, especially ones that are fun, and not super practical.)

Real Life Report
I am in a kinda no-BS frame of mind today... I really just want to hunker down and get stuff done. Particularly when projects go pear-shaped or get side-tracked by 'fun ideas.' No fun here please.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Many fortunate circumstances are suddenly taking place for you. Sweet things are coming your way! Some of these goodies have recently happened, and some are about to happen. Don't question this. You deserve it. Just thank your lucky stars. "I'm too sexy for my shoes."

Real Life Report
Certainly many sweet things fell into my mouth over the weekend. I can only hope that this trend continues. (I also feel really lucky to have good, uneventful doc's appts.)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Friction and tension with partners and close friends might increase during the next six weeks. This means your only recourse is patience and tolerance with those who are closest to you. Be encouraged by knowing this is a temporary influence that will be gone in 4 - 6 weeks. (You can handle this.)

Real Life Report
Breathe in peace and love, breathe out anger and intolerance...I've been trying out some new meditation and relaxation exercises. I'm not sure if they are working but hopefully, they will subconsciously kick in and stop me from losing my shit.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Many of you will have increasing opportunities to earn more money this summer. Therefore, keep your eyes open, and be ready to pounce. After all, a major component of what is considered to be good luck is simply being ready for opportunities when they appear. No?

Real Life Report
I'd love to pounce... But I'm guessing that I should be looking at a paper route rather than my upcoming annual review.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
It's so hard to know what to do at work today. It's like you're getting mixed signals from everyone. Possibly, others will accuse you of giving them mixed signals. Sheesh! Basically, it's hard to be productive. Therefore, lighten up. Not everything is as it seems. Tread very carefully.

Real Life Report
I think I can, I think I can...
I am trying hard not to be a paper shuffler today but I think that Georgia and the stars are onto something - I feel like I've been putting in the time at work but just not producing much more than hot air. (Good thing that I get paid for this.)

I'm getting a little frantic over the volume of 'stuff' to accomplish in 8 weeks. Tick, tick tick...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
You will easily put the needs of others before your own today because your idealism is aroused along with your sense of altruism. If you have an opportunity to practice kindness to others -- you will definitely do it. It's easy to appreciate how others feel today.

Real Life Report I'm a little concerned that I'm overhearing sniffling and nose-blowing in the office... I think that my colleague could use a hug right now.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Because you're focused so strongly on home, family and domestic matters, this is the perfect day to tune into the needs of those around you. What can you do so that you will enjoy your home more? What can you do to better enjoy relations with family members? (Should you start by paying back that fifty you owe?)

Real Life Report
I'm certainly tuning into the needs of those inside me...
Tonight we're expecting the delivery of the crib. The former-office-cum-nursery still needs some TLC to make the transition but it's gonna be a great room - particularly once there's a new human in it!