Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Group situations will be stimulating and different. You might meet a female who is unusual and different, or from another country or culture. Activities could stimulate you to modify your goals. Who knows? You're so keen to travel!

Real Life Report
Huh! I AM meeting up with a new 'mommy' from NZ today. Maybe she will stimulate my interest in sheep, Kiwis and the Lord of the Rings.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Someone older or more experienced might discourage you today. Don't listen! Their influence on you is temporary. By afternoon, you can forget what they even said. By tomorrow, you can forget their name. By Friday - their face!

Real Life Report
I'm finding that my days are now broken down into 20-30 minute chunks, based on activities such as napping, burping, spitting up and feeding - not necessarily in that order. So yes, by the time the afternoon rolls around, I have a hard time remembering what happened only hours prior.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is a very poor day to be lippy with your boss. Don't quit your day job. Don't be a drama queen. Don't speak without thinking or do anything rash. There is a Chinese saying, "Even a hurricane only lasts for a day." (Especially avoid arguments with females.)

Real Life Report
Drama is my strong suit these days. Actually - melodrama is more my forte. Hoping to enjoy hearing other's stories of struggle and triumph today at my new 'Mommy Group.' Very therapeutic.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Some aspect of your private life is really public today! Fortunate, it's probably okay. You've got your game face on, and it looks good. Bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs, and even the police are impressed with you. Strong way to start out your week!

Real Life Report
I managed to put my mascara and lipstick on this morning for my big outing - my annual physical. But I do feel just a little bit brighter and stronger, no doubt thanks to daylight savings. Thanks, Sir Sanford Fleming!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Sudden opportunities to travel or to get further education or training might fall in your lap today. You might revolutionize your thinking in a political or religious way as well. You could encounter someone who teaches you something fresh and exciting. It's a whole new day!

Real Life Report
Today feels like new. I woke up feeling like I had actually slept for more than 15 minutes, and this afternoon I'm off for a lunch date with my hunnie, sans baby. Looking forward to making googly eyes across the table!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Don't overreact, especially about political, religious, or racial issues. Quite likely, you don't have all the facts or the story you heard is not quite right. Don't fall for a sob story either. There's a veil of confusion over everything you hear or do today. Tread carefully!

Real Life Report
Every day I tread carefully - into the nursery, over the cat in the hallway, past the piles of dishes and laundry... Today, I'm heading out to another new Mommy group - so as for sob stories, I'm more likely to be the culprit.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're excited about travel plans and anything to do with publishing, the media and higher education. You also seem to have turned the corner with matters related to politics or religion. This is a great day to study or to share lofty ideas with others. You feel brainy and smart!

Real Life Report
There are still a few corners to be turned... but overall, I feel like my wee one might be getting this sleep thing down.

As for politics, religion and/or lofty ideas, I'm off to meet my brainy friend for a coffee today so perhaps I will wax psuedo-philosophical!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You might be disappointed in your partner's contribution to things or how shared property is being handled. This is such a tough time to get a loan or raise money from others, or get money back from the government, or even to collect what is owed to you. (Sigh.)

Real Life Report
OK - So I'm not doing a great job of making this a daily blog. A newborn has their own schedule, I'm learning... So yes - this is indeed a 'tough time' but this morning I awoke with a new sense of determination, thanks to the encouragement of my new 'mommy group.' I'm gonna show this kid how to sleep damnit, even if it's for 5 minutes!