Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Group situations will be stimulating and different. You might meet a female who is unusual and different, or from another country or culture. Activities could stimulate you to modify your goals. Who knows? You're so keen to travel!

Real Life Report
Huh! I AM meeting up with a new 'mommy' from NZ today. Maybe she will stimulate my interest in sheep, Kiwis and the Lord of the Rings.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Someone older or more experienced might discourage you today. Don't listen! Their influence on you is temporary. By afternoon, you can forget what they even said. By tomorrow, you can forget their name. By Friday - their face!

Real Life Report
I'm finding that my days are now broken down into 20-30 minute chunks, based on activities such as napping, burping, spitting up and feeding - not necessarily in that order. So yes, by the time the afternoon rolls around, I have a hard time remembering what happened only hours prior.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is a very poor day to be lippy with your boss. Don't quit your day job. Don't be a drama queen. Don't speak without thinking or do anything rash. There is a Chinese saying, "Even a hurricane only lasts for a day." (Especially avoid arguments with females.)

Real Life Report
Drama is my strong suit these days. Actually - melodrama is more my forte. Hoping to enjoy hearing other's stories of struggle and triumph today at my new 'Mommy Group.' Very therapeutic.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Some aspect of your private life is really public today! Fortunate, it's probably okay. You've got your game face on, and it looks good. Bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs, and even the police are impressed with you. Strong way to start out your week!

Real Life Report
I managed to put my mascara and lipstick on this morning for my big outing - my annual physical. But I do feel just a little bit brighter and stronger, no doubt thanks to daylight savings. Thanks, Sir Sanford Fleming!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Sudden opportunities to travel or to get further education or training might fall in your lap today. You might revolutionize your thinking in a political or religious way as well. You could encounter someone who teaches you something fresh and exciting. It's a whole new day!

Real Life Report
Today feels like new. I woke up feeling like I had actually slept for more than 15 minutes, and this afternoon I'm off for a lunch date with my hunnie, sans baby. Looking forward to making googly eyes across the table!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Don't overreact, especially about political, religious, or racial issues. Quite likely, you don't have all the facts or the story you heard is not quite right. Don't fall for a sob story either. There's a veil of confusion over everything you hear or do today. Tread carefully!

Real Life Report
Every day I tread carefully - into the nursery, over the cat in the hallway, past the piles of dishes and laundry... Today, I'm heading out to another new Mommy group - so as for sob stories, I'm more likely to be the culprit.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're excited about travel plans and anything to do with publishing, the media and higher education. You also seem to have turned the corner with matters related to politics or religion. This is a great day to study or to share lofty ideas with others. You feel brainy and smart!

Real Life Report
There are still a few corners to be turned... but overall, I feel like my wee one might be getting this sleep thing down.

As for politics, religion and/or lofty ideas, I'm off to meet my brainy friend for a coffee today so perhaps I will wax psuedo-philosophical!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You might be disappointed in your partner's contribution to things or how shared property is being handled. This is such a tough time to get a loan or raise money from others, or get money back from the government, or even to collect what is owed to you. (Sigh.)

Real Life Report
OK - So I'm not doing a great job of making this a daily blog. A newborn has their own schedule, I'm learning... So yes - this is indeed a 'tough time' but this morning I awoke with a new sense of determination, thanks to the encouragement of my new 'mommy group.' I'm gonna show this kid how to sleep damnit, even if it's for 5 minutes!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Travel plans and anything to do with publishing and the media look fabulous today. Explore every opportunity to get further education or training. Even matters connected with medicine and the law are extremely positive. Looking good!

Real Life Report
I'm baa-ack! I may have to forego a shower but damnit, I'm blogging.
It's officially 8 weeks today that I brought a screaming baby into the world. (He stopped screaming for a short time somewhere between birth and day 2...) So now, I am starting to steel myself for real life outside the apartment. Today - we will head over to the local community/mommy-commisseration centre for some education!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Female acquaintances or friends will be a source of surprise and fun today. "Let it all hang out!" Not only will others be unusual or bizarre, (in their appearance, suggestions or behavior) they might also prod into changing your goals in some way. "I want to run away and join the circus!"

Real Life Report
One of my fun girlfriends is due to stop by for a lunchtime visit today - and I always expect her to pleasantly surprise and delight... Plus - if she times it right, then I will definitely let it 'all hang out.'

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Your enthusiasm to travel or to take advantage of opportunities in higher education, publishing, the media, medicine, and the law will grow steadily in the next few months. You intend to go places! Great. Do what you can to your experience more of the world.

Real Life Report
I would love to go places - beyond the doctor's office and around the block... But baby steps. Hoping to get my new 8-lb-er into the Baby Bjorn soon to allow for a little more freedom of movement, and fresh fall air. Bring on the world!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Travel plans look exciting today. This is also a great day to explore matters in publishing, higher education, the media, medicine, and the law. You have a balanced point of view about things right now. You know what it takes to get something done. (And you're prepared to do it.) Your plans are solid.

Real Life Report
It will be an exotic and no doubt exciting journey by taxi to mid-town today... As we go for our doctor's appointment. As for the 'getting things done', I'm committed to doing those dishes and checking the mail. Whew.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Hopefully, you have worked out whatever you could with ex-partners and friends from the past. Starting today, Mercury will no longer be retrograde. This means you are more inclined to think in the future with partnerships and close friendships. Haggling about old issues is hopefully finished.

Real Life Report
Bring on the haggling about new issues! As I enter week three of parenthood, I feel more robust and able to take on new newborn nuttiness. Oh yah!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're an extremely sensitive, caring, compassionate person, mainly because you are aware of the suffering of others. You have a gentle heart. Do whatever you can today to use the joint resources available to you to benefit someone. Perhaps this can happen through fundraising?

Real Life Report
I think that somebody's recent suffering might be due to gas... So my tummy massage methods are the best that I can offer today.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Good fortune for you! Marvelous opportunities to travel during the next six months exist. (We're talking travel for fun and pleasure.) Publishing, the media, medicine, the law, and higher education are blessed during his time as well. Romance with someone from another culture might blossom!

Real Life Report
Fun and pleasure sound very inviting - and elusive right now. I can only hope that there's a willing bank account and baby to make the foretold journey!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Everything will go well at work today. People are supportive. Profits look good. Listen to the ideas that others have because they can be helpful. The wealth and resources of others can benefit you (along with good advice) for a long time in the future. Be receptive to what others offer you today.

Real Life Report
By work, I take this to mean mommyhood... And so far (today), so good! After a tough 24-hour period I feel back on my game this morning. Also thankful to my dear girlfriends for their willing shoulders and encouraging advice. My reception is tuned in!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Physical romance is super idealistic today. Some of you will feel you are entwined with your soul mate! Others will do fundraising or work with the resources of others to help those who are needy or less fortunate. People feel caring and idealistic today. (This is a good thing.)

Real Life Report
I am wondering how I got so lucky as to win the husband lottery... My soul mate has been tirelessly taking care of my every need for the past 11 days - and me and my soul couldn't be more thankful. Much love JL. xo

Friday, September 3, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Parents and teachers must be extra patient with children today. Sports colleagues are likely to be at each other's throats. Cooperation is not easy to achieve today! Postpone serious discussions until Sunday. Chill out. Keep things light for your own peace of mind.

Real Life Report
Despite the rain clouds, things are looking brighter! And we are trying to stay light on our feet and be extra patient while learning the new parent ropes. Thankfully, our new addition is making it easy throughout the fourth trimester fog.

*Special thanks to CH for her awesome food bundle. You should check out her rather cool foodie blog, One Grub.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Gifts, goodies and favours from others can come your way today because the universe owes you a favour! Others might help you improve your home or family scene in a tangible way, or perhaps, with advice. Meanwhile, back in the boudoir, romance is seductively sweet and transcendent!

Real Life Report
People really rock when you have a kid! We couldn't be luckier to have generous friends who want to drop off food and tidbits of parenting wisdom. Thanking them - and the universe...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is a powerful day for conversation with partners, ex-partners, close friends, -- the works. You're very much in touch with your inner strength. When you speak others will listen. You're direct about what you want, probably because you know what you want! Great.

Real Life Report
Since my last post I have managed to bring another human into the world... So overall, yes - I am happy to say that I do indeed feel in touch with my inner strength. Now for that outer strength to kick in and get me through the next few months of exhaustion!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Because this particular Full Moon can create tension between you and partners and close friends, take it easy today. All you have to do is get through until tomorrow. By tomorrow, people are reasonable, you are reasonable, everyone feels happier. Capice?

Real Life Report
I decided to celebrate the tension of the full moon with a pedicure down at the local nail shop. Now onto an ice cream date. This should get me through hopefully without too many bumps...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Yikes! The only Full Moon in your sign all year is taking place tomorrow. For sure, most of you can feel the buildup of tension within you happening today, especially in your relationships with partners and close friends. If not, consider yourself lucky! Stay frosty.

Real Life Report
If only I could feel more tension inside me! Off to the doc's today to see whassup with the offspring. In the meantime, plan on making eggplant parmesean to see if the recipe really does have encouraging effects...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Today the Sun moves directly opposite your sign for the next month, possibly provoking mild conflict with partners and close friends. However, this placement of the Sun offers you a chance to get a more objective idea about your style of relating to others. This could be valuable to know!

Real Life Report
It's a nice rainy day, and I seem to have a fair amount of time to navel-gaze so yes, I could spend some contemplative time today getting objective. Besides - I should probably mix up my activities since I've been making stews and casseroles and crafts and cards non-stop for the past two weeks.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is a nasty time for disputes with partners and close friends. Because of this nastiness, this is a silly time to have important discussions. They will only be unpleasant and accomplish nothing. Chill out. Wait for a better time.

Real Life Report
OK - new mantra... but it's pretty tough to be chillaxin' while wondering if every twinge is a 'sign.' In the meantime, I will keep my nastiness to myself. Om.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Do not make important decisions today about your health or your job. You are one sign that can easily delude yourself. And today is the classic day for this to happen. Don't put yourself down. Don't let others put you down. And don't put anyone else down.

Real Life Report
I have decided to throw myself a living room dance party today in an effort to get this baby moving into the starting gate... Perhaps delusional, but a good time! (This will take place prior to the scheduled call with my mat. leave replacement who I sense is wondering what the hell she signed up for.)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is an extremely poor day to have discussions about shared property or any other important issue with partners, ex-partners, and close friends. In fact, people are so critical, and negative thinking, and power-hungry -- you should avoid whatever looks like a fight coming on. Run away! Run away!

Real Life Report
Stinkin' thinkin! Thought the day is not yet over, I'm happy to report that all discussions have gone pretty smoothly. And we even had one of those ' talk about our future' stuff-talks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You are definitely busy dealing with ex-partners and issues with ex-partners -- no question. This is because Mercury retrograde is taking place directly opposite your sign. It's been slowing down since Aug. 7. It goes retrograde on Aug. 20. It goes direct on Sept. 12. But you're not in the clear until Sept. 26th. Oy vey.

Real Life Report
I wonder what happens when one gives birth during Mercury retrograde...? Maybe that's why the kid hasn't 'dropped' yet. I'm blaming the universe for slowing everything down. Harumph!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
For some reason, you're going to get some favourable PR today. Bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs, and possibly even the police notice you -- but in a very positive way. You impress people with your charm and your foresight. They think you're sensible and pleasant. (Take that to the bank!)

Real Life Report
At this point in the day I've only been sensible enough to have a nap, which in turn was rather pleasant. If I can ramp up to 'charming' then I'll be winning!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Your appreciation of beauty is heightened today. Because of this, you might do something rather extravagant or unusual to explore new experiences or get a rush. It's probably okay because you definitely have your feet on the ground at this time. Issues with partners and close friends are coming to fruition in a good way. (Thankfully.)

Real Life Report
I'm going for a new experience/rush of the crafty sort... I'm going to try to design/create/build my own baby mobile. It may not be 'Baby Einstein' but let's just hope for 'Baby Calder.'

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Try to break from your daily routine, and do something different today. Go someplace you've never been to before. Talk to people from different backgrounds and other cultures. Travel if you can. In other words, spice up your day with fresh, untried experiences!

Real Life Report
Hmm - the 'Hot & Spicy Festival' is on at Harbourfront this weekend... And they say that spicy food can get babies moving. Interesting. But actually - in more boring news, I need to travel down to the mall to find a car seat.

PS - Big thanks to YM for the encouraging and sweet comment yesterday! XO

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is the year that can bring you the most opportunities to excel at what you do best since 1998. I get mail from Pisces people saying "Hey, my life isn't improving!" Well, all I can say is wait a bit longer. "Just you wait."

Real Life Report
I am in the waiting room of life right now, so I hear that, Georgia. (Plus - I do think that life IS improving! I can only hope that I excel at the mommy thing...)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Relations with partners and close friends are much improved today! Entertain at home, or plan to go out with friends. Personal and professional partnerships are blessed. People are eager to socialize and demonstrate their sophisticated knowledge of all things beautiful. Romantic relationships might entertain commitment. (Perhaps with someone older?)

Real Life Report
By the end of today I expect to have fit in two visits... And that's just the beginning of the drop-by schedule for the next 5 or 6 days. After that - the 'Gone Fishin' sign is going up.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Be tolerant and gentle with partners and close friends because everyone is having a tough day today (and you know whereof I speak). Be encouraged by the fact that the next few days are quite lovely. You just have to make it through today. No biggie. Especially if you can find a great shoe sale.

Real Life Report
I have no idea why it's feeling like a tough day before 10am, but Georgia sure is onto something. Now to find that 'big and wide' shoe sale...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Because today's Moon is directly opposite your sign, you'll have to go more than half way when dealing with others. Actually, this is no big deal. Just be extra patient and tolerant. And keep in mind that in two weeks, others will go more than half way when dealing with you. Yes!

Real Life Report
Yesterday I found myself hyper-annoyed by the produce clerks in the grocery store who were just doing their jobs... So today I will try harder to channel tolerance and understanding - particularly around lettuce. And yes - I will hope that the kharma will come around in a couple of weeks when no doubt I will be a new-Mom mess.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Don't let others at work put you down today or make you feel less worthy. The truth is, when people do that to you, despite how they appear, they feel unworthy! (They cut off the heads of others just to feel taller.) Like - duh? (And then what are they going to do with all those heads?) Duh?

Real Life Report
I feel a little less worthy as a parent-to-be after finally having a closer look at our used car seat, only to find that it expired about 10 months ago... Like, duh indeed.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Turn your thoughts to your job, your employment scene, and your health. What can you do to make improvements in these areas? Set aside 10 minutes and give this some thought. Write down your ideas. (I'd give my right arm too be ambidextrous.)

Real Life Report
I do have a new job as of today and it involves reporting to Mother Nature. I did in fact set aside at least 10 minutes thinking about my health and wondering if baby is getting ready and into the starting blocks soon. It will be a great improvement when I finally get to meet the little fart!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Discussions with partners and close friends are serious today. This isn't lighthearted fluffy day for coochy-coo flirtations. However, it's a very productive day for practical, sensible discussions. Someone older might have good advice for you. Your approach to things is careful and orderly. "Measure twice, cut once."

Real Life Report
I decided to call my 80-something English Grandad today... And since my Nan (his wife) is pretty ill, it was a bittersweet call that did leave me with a heavy heart. Though he didn't get into advice, he did suggest that I visit soon. Sigh.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Others are going to be generous with you during the next few months. Just accept what is offered and say thank you. (How else can others be generous?) meanwhile, back in the boudoir, romance is so willingly transcendant. (Oh my.)

Real Life Report
I am definitely open to the generous spirit... And have been on the receiving end of amazing largesse lately. (So thanks to all!)

Plus, boudoir-wise, I did just drop crazy money at a lingerie shop...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Gifts, goodies, favours from others, and all kinds of perks can come your way during the next few months. This is a wonderful time for you to benefit from the resources and wealth of others. In addition, romance is very sweet, and dare we say transcending? (We did.)

Real Life Report
Baby booty bounty indeed! The work crew went out of their way to throw me a very cute little shower this afternoon. I definitely felt the love. (Plus, they kindly surprised me with the best gift of all - inviting my sweetheart/baby-daddy along.)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Innovative, unusual solutions at home (or within your family) might have a long-term practical benefit for you today. This is the perfect day to think out of the box. Surprise company might also drop by. Your long-term plans at home or with the family might change in some way.

Real Life Report
My long-term family plans are bound to change... But my short-term plans involve eating wonderful lasagna left-overs tonight. But I really don't want to share with any surprise visitors (so please don't drop by.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You might go overboard in some way with respect to partnerships today. This could be to your advantage or to your detriment. The main thing is to simply be aware that your judgment is a bit off, and you are inclined to skew things in one direction or the other. Guard against this.

Real Life Report
Not only is my judgment off, but so is my balance, my internal thermostat and my appetite. Oh - and my patience. But on the bright side I'm off to visit foodie friends for dinner and kick my swollen feet back and let my last short work week wash over me.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Your relations with others, especially partners, is changing. You feel empowered and more positive about what is possible. Many of you are improving your appearance as well. With your sign, so much depends upon your ability to believe that something is possible for you. Once you believe -- the world is your oyster!

Real Life Report
If I could bottle the positive vibes that I am feeling today, I could be a very wealthy woman indeed... As for my appearance, I am convinced that my midriff is heading south.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Relations with partners and close friends are definitely at odds today. Actually, this is not a good day to try to flesh things out and get to the bottom of something. You wont' be successful. You'll become irritated with others and vice versa. Why even bother? Go relax at the beach. You can enjoy this day!

Real Life Report
I didn't make it to the beach but I did manage to relax on the sofa for a good part of the afternoon... After elbowing my way through the Saturday farmers' market crowd I was quite pooped. Buying over-priced organic stuff is tiring.

PS - I should probably explain the pic - Prince Chaz is having a coffee down at the BrickWorks. Maybe he's giggling because he's standing so close to Jamie Kennedy...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is an explosive day for partnerships and close friendships. It's all too easy to strike out without thinking or to act impulsively or say something you might later regret. ("The devil made me do it.") Since you know this is the case, count to five before you react. You don't want to end up with egg on your face. (Ketchup helps.)

Real Life Report
Deep breath and 1,2,3,4,5... I'm finding that it is working. I used it first thing this morning, on the subway, when sitting at my desk. And so far, no egg, no ketchup. (But that does sound good for lunch.)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is a fabulous day at work! You can achieve much. For starters, you're very keen to research anything and come up with solutions. In fact, you want to introduce reforms and improvements. You're also very convincing in your conversations with coworkers. All hail Pisces!

Real Life Report
All hail the Chief!... The Chief Economist, that is. I'm off to interview a big banker for my little work podcast project. Not really used to talking GDP, RRSPs and ROIs but let's hope that I'm convincing in that conversation.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're gung ho to get better organized in practically every area of your life in the next six weeks. You want to put your fingers out and pick up whatever you need. "Gotcha!" Since you're keen to get organized, give yourself the right tools and support materials to do a great job.

Real Life Report
It's true. I am starting to feel that nesting itch... Soon I'll be getting the Javex out and actually wiping behind the stove.

As a side note - and though not seen by Georgia in my 'scope - I had a rather surprising run-in with a dear old friend this morning. One of those people who was once the inner-circle gang, but sadly, has not been spotted for over a year. Bittersweet.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
All these unsettling feelings you've been having with partners and close friends (since 2008) are probably going to calm down when this week is over because the last major jab as it were, has happened. You're going to have a better sense of what you want and what to expect. Good!

Real Life Report
Yes - damn it! I know what I want! Regular sized feet and beautiful shoes to adorn them. Other than that - I couldn't ask for much more... particularly after having a delightful spontaneous lunch with a dear old friend who was in town from the UK on a short visit - but wanted to spend time with me on his last day. Awwh!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
There is so much happening in your life right now, it's mind-boggling! Partnerships and relationships are contentious. Nevertheless, matters with your job and your health are beautifully blessed today. (Cool!) Because communications with others are confusing, double check your facts. (Oh yeah.)

Real Life Report
I will gladly accept any blessings... Particularly on the health front. Bouncing baby is back to break dancing on my bladder even though s/he was taking some quiet time yesterday. Never thought that I would want to be kicked so badly.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Health issues, matters related to pets, and certainly, events at work could be challenging because of today's Full Moon. But really, it's all a matter of perspective. If you don't get your belly in a rash, and you relax in your dealings with others -- it's nothing to worry about.

Real Life Report
I am a gold-star worrier... Glad to know that I can blame it on the full moon. Today though, I feel just a little more at ease now that our nursery is ready to receive.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Some of you are dreaming up ways to be self-employed if possible today. "I want out!" Don't quit your day job, but it might be wise to start to line up alternatives. The introduction of new technology or the use of technology in a new way might be exciting. Coworkers are full of surprises.

Real Life Report
I think that my future as a new Mom is a good alternative to my day job... Plus - I'll get to try out all sorts of new technology - diapers with velcro tabs, coffee holder on stroller, breast pump...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
What a productive day at work! You're in an orderly state of mind, and you want tangible, practical results. You'll have no trouble paying attention to detail, or even finishing routine work you might normally avoid. Choose a task that has been a tiny nightmare you've been procrastinating about.

Real Life Report
My tiny nightmares involve being awoken by the urgent need to pee... As for my work nightmares - they are starting to get tinier as I count down to my last day!