Saturday, July 31, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Relations with partners and close friends are definitely at odds today. Actually, this is not a good day to try to flesh things out and get to the bottom of something. You wont' be successful. You'll become irritated with others and vice versa. Why even bother? Go relax at the beach. You can enjoy this day!

Real Life Report
I didn't make it to the beach but I did manage to relax on the sofa for a good part of the afternoon... After elbowing my way through the Saturday farmers' market crowd I was quite pooped. Buying over-priced organic stuff is tiring.

PS - I should probably explain the pic - Prince Chaz is having a coffee down at the BrickWorks. Maybe he's giggling because he's standing so close to Jamie Kennedy...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is an explosive day for partnerships and close friendships. It's all too easy to strike out without thinking or to act impulsively or say something you might later regret. ("The devil made me do it.") Since you know this is the case, count to five before you react. You don't want to end up with egg on your face. (Ketchup helps.)

Real Life Report
Deep breath and 1,2,3,4,5... I'm finding that it is working. I used it first thing this morning, on the subway, when sitting at my desk. And so far, no egg, no ketchup. (But that does sound good for lunch.)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is a fabulous day at work! You can achieve much. For starters, you're very keen to research anything and come up with solutions. In fact, you want to introduce reforms and improvements. You're also very convincing in your conversations with coworkers. All hail Pisces!

Real Life Report
All hail the Chief!... The Chief Economist, that is. I'm off to interview a big banker for my little work podcast project. Not really used to talking GDP, RRSPs and ROIs but let's hope that I'm convincing in that conversation.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're gung ho to get better organized in practically every area of your life in the next six weeks. You want to put your fingers out and pick up whatever you need. "Gotcha!" Since you're keen to get organized, give yourself the right tools and support materials to do a great job.

Real Life Report
It's true. I am starting to feel that nesting itch... Soon I'll be getting the Javex out and actually wiping behind the stove.

As a side note - and though not seen by Georgia in my 'scope - I had a rather surprising run-in with a dear old friend this morning. One of those people who was once the inner-circle gang, but sadly, has not been spotted for over a year. Bittersweet.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
All these unsettling feelings you've been having with partners and close friends (since 2008) are probably going to calm down when this week is over because the last major jab as it were, has happened. You're going to have a better sense of what you want and what to expect. Good!

Real Life Report
Yes - damn it! I know what I want! Regular sized feet and beautiful shoes to adorn them. Other than that - I couldn't ask for much more... particularly after having a delightful spontaneous lunch with a dear old friend who was in town from the UK on a short visit - but wanted to spend time with me on his last day. Awwh!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
There is so much happening in your life right now, it's mind-boggling! Partnerships and relationships are contentious. Nevertheless, matters with your job and your health are beautifully blessed today. (Cool!) Because communications with others are confusing, double check your facts. (Oh yeah.)

Real Life Report
I will gladly accept any blessings... Particularly on the health front. Bouncing baby is back to break dancing on my bladder even though s/he was taking some quiet time yesterday. Never thought that I would want to be kicked so badly.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Health issues, matters related to pets, and certainly, events at work could be challenging because of today's Full Moon. But really, it's all a matter of perspective. If you don't get your belly in a rash, and you relax in your dealings with others -- it's nothing to worry about.

Real Life Report
I am a gold-star worrier... Glad to know that I can blame it on the full moon. Today though, I feel just a little more at ease now that our nursery is ready to receive.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Some of you are dreaming up ways to be self-employed if possible today. "I want out!" Don't quit your day job, but it might be wise to start to line up alternatives. The introduction of new technology or the use of technology in a new way might be exciting. Coworkers are full of surprises.

Real Life Report
I think that my future as a new Mom is a good alternative to my day job... Plus - I'll get to try out all sorts of new technology - diapers with velcro tabs, coffee holder on stroller, breast pump...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
What a productive day at work! You're in an orderly state of mind, and you want tangible, practical results. You'll have no trouble paying attention to detail, or even finishing routine work you might normally avoid. Choose a task that has been a tiny nightmare you've been procrastinating about.

Real Life Report
My tiny nightmares involve being awoken by the urgent need to pee... As for my work nightmares - they are starting to get tinier as I count down to my last day!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Because the heavens are conspiring to make you want to get better organized -- cooperate! Make lists. Decide what you want. Get the right equipment and support materials so you can do a good job. In the same way, you can also improve your health. Bonus!

Real Life Report
I admit that my list-making is slipping... Shameful. They don't call me 'Planny Plannerson' fer nothin'. But lately, I'm having to write myself little notes. As for the 'equipment' - I'm hoping that the pile of baby gear gets us through the first few months... Next - hitting the lingerie shop to secure the right 'support' for my own 'equipment.'

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Unexpected opportunities in a number of different areas might fall in your lap today. They will likely be related to travel, higher education, dealing with foreign countries, medicine, the law, or something to do with publishing, and the media. (You might meet an alien called Smith Comma John.)

Real Life Report
Though my lap is slightly occupied by a growing belly, it remains open to possibility... I always welcome the universe to provide publishing, media and alien opportunities.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Avoid controversial issues with politics, race, and religion. Instead turn to partners and close friends for help with opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, law, and anything to do with travel or dealing with foreign countries. "Meanwhile, back on the savanna --."

Real Life Report
I'm going with the complementary and alternative meds today... Enjoyed a magical massage and foot re-birth. Ah. Who needs to talk politics when sitting in a robe reading a fashion magazine?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
If you can do anything to help those who are less fortunate than you today, you will. You are quick to see where generosity and kindness are needed. Fortunately, you are sympathetic sign, and this makes you cognizant of the situations and circumstances of those around you. (I'm impressed.)

Real Life Report
I feel a deep sympathy for a woman who I don't even know who I'm told will be having her 8-month pregnant belly cast by her baby-daddy's mother... I, on the other hand will just enjoy feeding my belly today at a 'summerlicious' lunch out with good pals.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Relations with partners and close friends are not entirely smooth today. People are unpredictable, rebellious, impulsive, and impatient. However, you might meet a real character today. Or someone you know might surprise you in a pleasant way. Who knows?

Real Life Report
It was indeed a little unpredicatable in the swimming pool today when I managed to suck back a few mouthfuls of my fellow swimmer's wake... But then when I stopped mid-lane for a choking/coughing fit, another kind aquatic soul came to my rescue. A very pleasant surprise indeed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Today will go easier if you are more patient and mellow with partners and close friends. Don't take the bait if you are annoyed. And don't attack anyone. Squabbles and arguments can easily break out -- but what's the point?

Real Life Report
It's a little challenging not to feel annoyed in killer humidity... I admit that I've already mocked a slow-moving pedestrian (the kind who take up about 4' width of sidewalk while still managing to move forward) - and hey, the day is still young.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You want to play! For starters, romance is in the air. Therefore, you'll enjoy a romantic relationship, or going for dinner, or to the theatre, or to a movie with a friend. You'll also enjoy sports. Creative activities will appeal. Playful times with children will also be rewarding. Yay!

Real Life Report
This morning I woke up feeling groggy and convinced that I overslept... But then was informed by my DH that he actually set the alarm clock one hour early. He kindly made it up to me with a romantic greasy spoon breakfast.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Romance related to your workplace could begin today. Or perhaps a flirtation will make your heart leap. Others will see wonderful ways to introduce reforms and improvements where you work, especially improvements that make more money, or make everything look better.

Real Life Report
As I stop in to get my second breakfast on the way to work, the nice man behind the counter always calls me ' my dear'... My heart doesn't exactly leap - but does that count as a flirtation?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
No matter how hard you're working now, make time for play and pleasure. (This is what you really want.) Do something to make yourself feel you're on a vacation. Break up your daily routine. Romance, the arts, live music, sports, and playful activities with children are wonderful diversions for you today.

Real Life Report
Since 'pleasure' is pretty much limited to chocolate and 'play' would have to be a sitting- or reclining-based activity, I think that I can achieve this goal.

Tonight, I plan on squeezing in some yoga and meditating on Harvey Pekar's contributions to the world. (R.I.P.)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
What a playful day! Plan to party, picnic, boat, bike, schmooze, flirt, or enjoy the arts. Watch or play sports, or grab a movie. Make sure you do something today that you enjoy doing. Playful activities with children will please you. It's an extremely upbeat, enthusiastic day. (Great for love and romance!)

Real Life Report
It looks like I will have to plan a straight-edge party; a fairly inventive picnic with few groceries in the larder; find a captain of a large ship; a bicycle built for 2.5; and really turn on the charm - while being arty - today.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
This is a wonderful, playful, flirtatious, adventurous, fun-loving day. And it's Saturday! Enjoy sports, schmoozing, parties, long lunches, playful times with children, and any kind of diversion that appeals to you. You will particularly love movies and the theatre. Enjoy your day!

Real Life Report
The sun is shining, I don't have upper-lip sweat, and my 'scope is promising! And I'm off to eat at a family picnic. It can't get any better, can it?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
If you can help a coworker on the job today, you will do so. You feel unusually sympathetic to others. While it is always good to help others, make sure you get all the facts. You don't want to be suckered in on anything.

Real Life Report
I have to admit that I really don't feel very sympathetic today. I'm soaking up all the sympathy for myself, thank you very much. When coworkers tutted and gave me the sad face for being a pregnant woman in the 42-degree heat, I lapped it up!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
Busy day. You've got things to do, people to see, places to go. Short trips will please you. Get some errands done. Discussions with siblings and neighbours will be enjoyable and pleasant. Entertaining at home will be fun. Actually, fun anywhere will be fun.

Real Life Report
My short trip at lunch was rather pleasing. God, I love that tuna-pasta salad. As for the fun on a sweltering Wednesday, I guess that I could try to see my class at the gym as 'fun.'

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Please make sure you give yourself lots of time to play. Enjoy the arts, enjoy fun times with children. Get involved in sports, or dance, or some kind of exciting, social scene. Do whatever you brings you pleasure and laughter.

Real Life Report
Do pre-natal/childbirth prep classes count as 'play' or a fun 'social scene'? I have been told that some social mommies do manage to bond with other parents-to-be this way. Is it wrong that I'm really looking forward to creating my own Starbucks baby networking meetings?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
You're focused on cash flow. You're wondering how you can earn more money. Never forget you have the ability to manifest things if you truly believe they are possible. You need a magic feather like Dumbo had. "Saw a peanut stand, heard a rubber band, saw a needle that winked its eye ..."

Real Life Report
I think I can... I think I can... Some positive self-talk is probably a good way to start off this day. It would seem that many of my recent horoscopes have suggested that I'm going to find new ways to earn money this summer - when oddly, I'm counting down my last paycheques to mat leave. Curious. Manna from heaven welcome, of course.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today's 'Scope

Georgia Nichols:
It's easy to identify with your possessions or anything own today. In part, this handicaps your ability to make good decisions about cash flow, money and how to handle your possessions. You're too personal about everything. Wait a day or two to get a clearer perspective.

Real Life Report
Yes - I am taking things too personally when it comes to worrying about certain people... I'm also trying to re-acclimatize to the big city after spending a week worrying about when to go swimming, what to eat, and how much sunscreen to apply. Sigh.