Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Advice from someone older or more experienced than you, or perhaps richer, or more worldly, could be very valuable today. After all, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Why not stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you?

Real Life Report
I'd really like to stand on the shoulders of the Board members who require 18-page reports...
After a bit of a panicked morning at the office, I think that it's time to chill and go for a lunchtime walk.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Good day to schmooze with friends. It's also a very good day for all kinds of group activities -- classes, meetings, conferences and conventions. Conversations with females will be interesting and meaningful. Talk to others about your dreams and hopes for the future to see what they say. (Might be helpful to you.)

Real Life Report
It's always good to talk with my hunnie about our dreams and hopes for the future.
Our chat on the two-hour drive home was filled with dreams and hopes for the name of our future offspring. Thankfully, we are on the same page. And no - I am not revealing it here!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Home, family, and domestic issues are your priority now, especially with parents. But it's all good. You feel happy about how enriched your home is becoming. In fact, you only want to go further in this direction. (You have special ideas about what you hope to achieve.)

Real Life Report
It's large. It's a slice. It's money.
I had a great meeting this morning with a very well-informed executive producer who very generously offered insightful advice. And - he threw me a bone.

It's Friday, it's sunny (but not so bad as to cause upper lip sweat) and it's all good.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Despite the demands that your external world or career make on you today, you can't ignore home and family. However, you might feel pulled between these two worlds because of today's Full Moon energy. Just cope as best you can.

Real Life Report
I am quite proud to keep up with career demands by cranking out a media release in less than 30 minutes.
I guess that it's not really THAT demanding and shouldn't be after writing at least a few hundred of them over the years. But good to know that it's full moon fever... I sense the crankiness in co-workers. Let's hope that they don't snap.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Disputes about ideological issues, travel arrangements, or something to do with higher education are likely at work today. In particular, you might feel annoyed with someone from a different background or a different culture. Don't act on this. Chill out. Don't say something you will later regret.

Real Life Report
Since it's a blistering May day (34 in the shade) I am indeed trying to chill the hell out.
Not being of beach bunny stripes, I am not moved to hit the beach volleyball team in my thong - particularly since I'm carrying around another human. But all the more reason for the cooling balm of a Pecan Mudslide... or Aero Bubble McFlurry... or Hagen Das bar...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
You seek adventure and thrills today. Change your routine! Talk to strangers and people from different backgrounds. Travel anywhere. Hang out in libraries, bookstores, museums, and galleries. Your appreciation of beauty is definitely heightened. Flirtations with someone from a different background might excite you. In fact, new love could blossom!

Real Life Report
I was just thinking that I should take a rare trip across the road to the fancy salad bar today at lunch.
It's no museum - but there is some public art in the lobby...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Try to tidy up loose details about debt, insurance matters, inheritances, shared property, and anything you own jointly with others. You'll feel good about clearing away some of this stuff! This will also allow you to work easier at other matters. (Fewer cobwebs.)

Real Life Report
Part 2 of garden weeding happened first thing this morning...
Deeply satisfying to get dirt under my fingernails. It does indeed help with the mental 'cobwebs.'

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
The best way to use today's energy is to redecorate or renovate where you live. Clean up the place and get rid of what you don't need. Make things look better. Frank discussions with family members might also clear the air. You want something very intensely, which might make things better.

Real Life Report
Half of the front garden already looks better - weed-free and loving it...
Though I probably needed to look a little harder to see that my matching containers were stacked one inside the other, leaving me to plant in mis-match-ers. So this year, the look is 'ecclectic chic.' Also enjoyed a lovely afternoon BBQ down at the beach with the fam o' origin... maybe more frank discussions should have broken out...?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
You're trying to find an important balance in partnerships and close friendships. On one hand, you feel confident about what you can offer them, and bring to the table. But on the other hand, you have different fingers! (Sorry.) On the other hand, stressed relationships are worrisome.

Real Life Report
Nailed it, Georgia!
I feel like I want to be my social butterfly self but that unfortunately, my body is telling me otherwise. Namely, to go lie on the couch and/or quietly eat ice cream. (Plus - counting on either of my puffy hands is a little challenging.)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Now your attention is on home, family and domestic matters. Some of you will also be involved with real estate deals. This domestic focus will last for about six weeks. Carve out some time at home alone just for you so that you can get a warm feeling in your tummy. You need pampering.

Real Life Report
I had a sinking feeling about that home inspection...
We've recently learned that our soon-to-be landlords may actually be reconsidering the house purchase after all. This means that we may have to go back to cleaning up the joint to welcome a million real estate agents through. Oy. Bring on that pampering...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Life is full of stimulating ideas coming at you from every direction! You have a lot to talk about because you're seeing things in an entirely new light. New people, fresh encounters, new places, new discoveries, make this a noteworthy day, to put it mildly. (I love being alive!)

Real Life Report
Yes! I do too!
Even though the subway hit a snag and I was left hiking it, I feel lucky to be alive since I may have narrowly escaped a commuter catastrophe... the Sun was shining and it was strangely peaceful to walk amongst thousands of worker bees along Bloor St.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Unexpected purchases for your home or a family member might be unusual but pleasing. Spontaneous get-togethers could also happen at home today. Discussions about earnings and possessions are probing and penetrating because you want to get to the bottom of some financial matters. You're determined to turn over a new leaf by taking a new approach to something.

Real Life Report
Today I got to pretend to be a radio host!
So I was able to probe and penetrate with my incisive questions for my new podcast initiative at work. Or at least try. I think that this is a 'new leaf'...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Negotiations with others, discussions with siblings and relatives, contracts, and around the town errands are all focused on long-range, practical concerns. Because of this, whatever you achieve today will be solid and long-lasting. Meanwhile, romance at home or luxurious purchases appeal. ("It's plasma and hides underneath. Then you press a button, and presto! TV at the foot of your bed! You gotta see this!")

Real Life Report
I have no idea how long-lasting my achievements will be...
Considering that so many are web-based these days. Le sigh. But I AM looking forward to that 'romance at home'! JL?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
This is a wonderful day for teachers, actors, editors, writers, salespeople and those who are in marketing. Your positive enthusiasm makes it easy to convince others to agree with you, or at least, want to hear what you have to say. "Say what?"

Real Life Report
On this fine Monday morning, I came into work to find a public affairs crisis awaiting...
So I can only hope that the stars are right - and that I will be 'able to convince others to agree with me.'

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Be prepared for changes and surprises on the home front today. Family members might be irritable. Do whatever you can to avoid arguments. Be patient, tolerant and accommodating. Guard against minor breakages. Small appliances could break down. Have a second cup of coffee.

Real Life Report
Oh Georgia, I would LOVE a first cup of coffee...
But I'm going to wait that one out for another 3 or so months.
In the meantime, I will wish my sweetie a very happy birthday - and note he shares an astro-birthday with Meghan Fox which is no surprise since he's hot. (But like, in a dude way.)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Roll up your sleeves and get busy with home improvements today because you can get a lot done. Family discussions will be lively but productive as well. You've got a bee in your bonnet today about something, probably related to real estate, a home business, or fixing something at home.

Real Life Report
I'm visiting my family of origin...
And lemme tell ya, they are lively.
They may have bees in their proverbials. I'll let the day unfold.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Something surprising connected with your home, or where you live will likely occur today. Perhaps somebody unexpected will drop by. Perhaps a planned event will be canceled, or someone who you expect to arrive will not show. These same shaky plans can apply to real estate deals as well. Stay flexible and even tempered.

Real Life Report
I now have a sinking feeling about our new landlords.
If I'm to believe good ole' Georgia, then maybe there's a reason why the real estate agents came back this week to re-appraise the house. I hope that the nice new landlords decide to go through with the deal...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
How can you improve your communicating style with others, especially relatives and siblings? Today is the best day all year for Pisces to think about this. And it's free! It just requires a little thought. Why would you blow this off?

Real Life Report
I'm using the terms, 'man', 'dude' and 'how's-it-goin' a lot more
these days since taking on a new 20-something intern. Not sure that this is an improvement - probably more of an embarrassment and good training for becoming a parent.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
You're capable of penetrating insights today. In a way, you have X-ray vision today. You'll be able to spot a phony a mile away. Conversations with others, especially siblings and relatives, will not be casual. You want to go to the bone.

Real Life Report
Ah, penetration...
I'm not sure about great insights other than just knowing/sensing that certain people WILL annoy me today. As for my casual chats with my brother or other fam-o'-origin peeps, I guess that I am overdue for an intense 'family meeting.'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
It's good news for you that this Mercury retrograde is technically over because it has caused havoc to your cash flow, banking scene, and even to your possessions, which you've been breaking and misplacing more than usual. This is over. Save money for sexy shoes for summer.

Real Life Report
Phil the cat will be pleased to hear that the breakage period is over...
Since his 20-year old ceramic dish met its end this week, he's now eating off a Christmas-themed plate, every single day. A bit insulting since he's Jewish.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Cash flow and money issues have your interest today. Make friends with your bank account. If you shop today, make a list, so you're more organized about how you spend your money. Trust your moneymaking ideas. You might hear about ways to boost your income.

Real Life Report
Since I have had so many jobs, I get to go and visit my former workplaces from time-to-time. It's fun.
It's a feel-good. People like me better after I'm gone. Now, how could I generate income from doing that? (Actually - I heard from a former boss who now teaches college - trying to get a coffee in with her to explore how I might become a good-bad influence...)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
You're impatient with normal routine today. That's a given. However, don't do anything rash that you might regret later. Guard against knee-jerk reactions, and saying something you cannot take back. (Incorrigible punster are not to be incorriged.)

Real Life Report
I spent the afternoon ripping up old credit card and line of credit statements...It was very freeing. I hope that it wasn't too freeing.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Good day for sales, teaching, marketing, writing, and all forms of communication. You're in the zone. If you drive for living, this is also a positive day for you. You might be a bit more emotional than usual, but it's okay -- you feel great. Spread your good vibes everywhere.

Real Life Report
I have been spreading the good vibes everywhere...To go along with my mid-section spread. Managed to squeeze into a polka-dot mat. swimsuit that might thrill the deep-water running crew. Also, I 'taught' two strangers where things were today. Now if only I could make some coin from being a roving info booth/directions lady...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Georgia Nichols:
Writers, teachers, editors, actors, and people who drive for living will have an extremely positive, and profitable day today. You're on the go, and you're loving it! Contact with siblings and relatives will be fun and upbeat. It's heartwarming to see how much beauty and love exists in your daily surroundings.

Sally Brompton
It’s good that you are pushing yourself beyond your usual limits but don’t push yourself so far and so fast that you risk losing touch with reality. Remember: the higher you climb the further there is to fall.

Real Life Report
God - Sally can be a real downer, man...All I want to do is feel the 'beauty and love in my daily surroundings.' Even if it is the 6-lanes of traffic outside my office window.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today's Horoscope

Georgia Nichols:
You might feel tuned into your psychic vibes today, and this could well be the case. Or, you might be completely out in left field. It's hard to say. Just enjoy the ride and postpone important decisions until tomorrow. (That's what I would do.) Nevertheless, your gut instincts might be telling you something.

Sally Brompton
If you have got something arduous planned you are strongly advised to cancel it. You just won’t have the energy or the motivation to make a success of it. Everyone needs some down time – and you need yours right now.

Real Life Report
My instincts are telling me to 'enjoy some down time' and celebrate that I am 3 months away...from eating bon-bons (at least before I get to burp and feed for 12 more months.)I did however, 'enjoy the ride' down the 401 today for a little work-related road trip in my boss' giant SUV.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today's Horoscope

Georgia Nichols:
Partnerships continue to be draining. Life with significant others has not been easy! But you know, all of this has been a huge lesson for you. You're learning what you really want out of life, and where you are willing to compromise, and where you won't.

Sally Brompton
If you are hoping for a breakthrough in your job or career then things will start to move quickly over the next few days, but it is how you react that matters most. Don’t be afraid of taking on more responsibility.

Real Life Report
I took on the added responsibility of going out with my co-workers at lunch for an ice cream...As for my significant other, he's been rather delightful - particularly when he installed the air conditioner in the bedroom window yesterday.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today's Horoscope

Georgia Nichols:
Squabbles with siblings, daily contacts, and coworkers can easily break out today. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) The curious thing is that most squabbles are actually misunderstandings. But it's so hard to put yourself in somebody else's wedgies, isn't it? And of course, vice versa. Don't tempt the fates. Avoid touchy discussions today.

Sally Brompton
There is a great deal of energy in your chart at the moment but you need to find ways to release it constructively. Focus on physical activities like exercise and household chores. You’ll get a huge amount done.

Real Life Report
It's midday and I'm squabble-free so far...But I could always call my brother and bug him about Mother's Day stuff. Meanwhile, I think that Sally's just trying to get me to do the damn vacuuming!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Today's Horoscope

Georgia Nichols:It's entirely possible that you will dream up new ways of earning money because new income streams exist for you. Be open to this. You might have to see things in an entirely new light. Perhaps you will find a new use for something you already own? (That old Kawasaki could be a floor lamp.)

Sally Brompton
:You can sense that this is a special time and that you should be doing special things. But what? What happens today will point you in the right direction and all you have to do is start walking. It’s that simple.

Real Life Report
I'm dreaming of ways to wake up and make $ from this... But Sally is onto something - I conducted my first podcasting interview this morning and kinda felt 'in the zone.' Maybe I just need to walk softly and carry a heavy field recorder.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Today's Horoscope

Georgia Nichols:
You will likely be suddenly thrown into the public eye today whether you want this to happen or not. Perhaps you're introducing family members to bosses, parents, and VIPs? The police might also take notice of you today. (Oops.) Something is a bit out of your control -- therefore, tread carefully!

Sally Brompton
Listen to your inner voice and act immediately on what it tells you. That is the only advice you need and if you follow it you’ll look back on this weekend as the one when you finally took control of your life.

Real Life Report
The public sure did get an eye-full this morning when I went to the grocery store sans-make-up/hair tending. Though I did spot a CITY TV reporter over the produce aisles, thankfully, there was no camera on her shoulder.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Today's Horoscope

Georgia Nichols:
Others will definitely notice you today for some reason. You're out there flying your colours! Your enthusiasm and joy for living are very apparent. Just make sure people notice you for the reasons you want them to, and not for something you would rather keep private. Hmmm?

Sally Brompton
Listen to your inner voice and act immediately on what it tells you. That is the only advice you need and if you follow it you’ll look back on this weekend as the one when you finally took control of your life.

Real Life Report
My inner voice told me to buy the $50 Camper shoes while visiting my dear friend in the 905. I'm guessing that my enthusiasm and joy for living was very apparent at point of purchase.